Looking for Gluten-Free Sourdough and Baked Goods on Salt Spring Island, BC?
Local Business Photography Project: Jane's Dough
Some of my favourite photography sessions have been with local Salt Spring Island and Vancouver Island businesses that provide me with beautiful opportunities to learn more about the people and projects that are happening around me. Meeting "Jane" of Jane's Dough to capture her at work with some of her gluten-free baked goods was one of these occasions.

Baked with Love
This gluten-free sourdough business rose out of the desire to provide options for her beloved partner who could not consume gluten. Now (as of this year 2023), along with many more of her delightfully delicious goodies, it's been lovely to see Jane's sourdough at the Tuesday Farmer's Market and Saturday Market on Salt Spring Island.

Interested in seeing more of my favourite photos from sessions like this? Click here to view my portfolio of Commercial and Business Marketing photography.